team i-leadr

Employment opportunities

As i-LEADR continues to grow so do the opportunities to join our team of educators.  If you are interested in learning more about how you can become part team i-LEADR review the posted positions and complete the appropriate application.

Working with i-LEADR

About the Work

Our company works for and with school districts across the United States in different capacities.  We offer tactical professional development for schools and/or districts, as well as, a digital data and documentation platform, RtI:Stored!  Our highly saught after, frontline educators come from strong classroom performance as well as strong administrative references.  Our innovative behind the scenes employees make it possible for each of us to stay in the work that we love most, reaching and teaching students.


Current Employment Opportunities

Part Time Educational Consultant

i-LEADR provides educational consulting to schools and districts across the United States for total school improvement needs including, professional learning community planning and implementation, data-analysis, tactical instructional best practices, and MTSS/RTI Systems.  This role requires over-night travel.  Full time consulting positions are salary based and are evaluated and renewed annually.  Part-time consulting positions are contractual on a daily rate.  These positions are evaluated and extended based on performance and availability.

No other positions at this time



“Having the opportunity to be a part of a team that shares my passion for transformational practices in education elevates me both personally and professionally.”

Adrianne Blackwelder, Innovations and Outreach Coordinator

Learn more

9 + 10 =

211 South Center Street
Statesville, NC 28677

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