Team i-LEADR – Educational Consultants
About US
i-LEADR, Inc. is a team of educators who are committed to reforming education. We are dreamers from the classroom that provides educational consulting for teachers, schools, educators and school districts, knowing every student deserves the opportunity to learn in a space that is loving, encouraging, and excelling!
01. Producing
Our team of educators work relentlessly to reach our community in effort to share our high impact tactical programs, services and tools. The same tools that helped make our own classrooms, schools, and districts achieve great results.
02. Serving
We serve those who serve students by equipping leaders, educators, schools and teachers with the knowledge they need in order to make a positive and lasting difference in students’ lives. Our team delivers professional development that matches the needs of the school or district.
03. Experiencing
Our educational consulting team is committed to building a strong relationship with the educators, teachers, schools and classrooms we serve. We are loyal to your success and humble to your greatness. It is no secret that both i-LEADR and the sites we serve experience elevated hearts, minds, and practice.
Proven Success
The Numbers Don’t Lie
The data is raw and real. Understanding what it takes to drive school improvement can be a daunting task if you have never experienced the rise from the bottom impact. Our team members are carefully selected from the results they contributed towards in their own sites. We have learned what to avoid, what to charge after, and the crucial conversations it takes to get there. Our collaborative team unlocked the magic and we are eager to replicate this success in as many schools and demographics as we are able to reach.
Acheivement Increase
Educator Satisfaction
A Team Of Passionate Professionals

Brie Beane
President & Founder

Shannan Church
Director of MTSS Implementation & Outreach
Brie was a classroom teacher in both general education and in an alternative setting for students with social/emotional/behavioral and academic disabilities. Her commitment and passion led her to leadership roles as a school counselor, intervention specialist, and MTSS Director. She assists districts/schools in collecting data to determine opportunities for improvement, then works with sites to create a comprehensive MTSS implementation plan. Brie works alongside her team to help educators establish their total school improvement plan and works with them to effectively carry it out. She believes in every child, every day, whatever they need.
Shannan was an Elementary School Classroom Teacher, then MTSS Coordinator and ELA and Math Interventionist. Her passion for reaching every student through differentiated core and interventions led her to a position as MTSS Implementation & Outreach Director. Shannan focuses on using data to drive instruction, working with sites to analyze data, create data-driven implementation plans, differentiate instruction to meet the needs of students. She specializes in providing educator support with tactical research-based strategies and instructional routines. She works alongside her team in Total School Improvement by creating Professional Development that directly aligns with student data to close gaps. She believes in equipping our teachers with the best tools and knowledge to ensure every student gets what they need, when they need it.
Leading Champions
Our team is built from a diverse group of educators with tactical experiences across every area of our community. It is imperative to our leadership team that we build a collaborative professional community with a broad range of experience to shine light on barriers and build systems to break them. Our students deserve it.
Janna Sells
Educational Consultant
Amy Rhyne
Educational Consultant
Jamie Beecham
Educational Consultant
Gordan Palmer
Educational Consultant
Allison Kiser
Educational Consultant
Amanda Goulds
Educational Consultant
Sabrina Goff-Mack
Educational Consultant
Kim Rector
Educational Consultant
Christi Edwards
Educational Consultant
Pelham Gentry
Educational Consultant
Dr. Melanie Taylor
Educational Consultant
Stephanie Stuckey
Educational Consultant
Dr. Lory Morrow
Educational Consultant
Molly Palmer
Educational Consultant
Vonnie Auld
Educational Consultant
elevate practice in education
Educational Consulting – What We Do Best
Create highly effective impact systems
Many times after collecting school and district data we find lots of great things happening, but leadership is having trouble aligning all the initiatives so that improvement happens in a systems approach. Our educational consulting team helps create comprehensive system improvement plans so educators no longer feel scattered and ineffective.
Target growth opportunities
When leadership teams have large data gains ahead of them it is hard to know where to start. Our team helps schools, teachers, educators and districts identify where they need to start to in order to reach maximum growth.
Data Analysis
Are you data drunk or data rich? With all the assessment in education we too often run into systems that are data drunk. We help educator teams use the most essential data to drive core instruction and student gains.
tactical Professional Development
No educator despises anything more than professional development that is a waste of their time. Our academic, behavior, and social emotional PD modules are explicitly connected to the site’s improvement plan, the why is clearly explained to participants using data, and coaching and follow-up support is guaranteed. You are our unique investment into serving students.
Unlock the heart of teaching
With all the demands it is very easy for educators to lose sight of why they choose to save lives by being an educator. We have comprehensive building district, school, and classroom culture professional development that takes all educators back to their compelling why. We have gained the heart of education.
community networking
One of our greatest experiences is having the opportunity and reach to network like-minded educators across the United States. We pair leaders, sites, schools, teachers and classrooms with opportunities to learn, opportunities to teach, and most importantly opportunities to grow from one another. The relationships built as a member to the i-LEADR tribe is invaluable.
Employment Opportunities with i-LEADR, Inc
Are you interested in learning more about the work we do? Would you like to submit an application for the opportunity to become a part of Team i-LEADR? Use the button to learn more about any current and available positions. These opportunities change frequently as positions are filled.
Get In Touch
211 South Center Street
Statesville NC, 28677
(704) 275 – 5350