educator to educator
work smarter.
At i-LEADR, we invest in people not programs. Teachers, schools, classrooms and their PLCs are the life blood of systematic improvement. Our tactical tools are designed by two eductors with a passion for equipping our colleagues and serving children. Our tools include an MTSS development, documentation and implementation program.
our Products
Educator Made.
Very different from corporate educational consulting companies, our professional development programs are educator made and tested. Producing high gains in school classrooms, professional learning communities (PLCs), and systems our tactical tools are an essential component in the way we do business. Sharing these programs and tools with other educators and teachers allows us to reach and equip. We hope you enjoy your i-LEADR, inc. tool belt and share them with your colleagues.
RtI: Stored!
A web-based digital platform that houses Students’ Response to Instruction through implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Framework. RtI:Stored! keeps the focus on effective problem-solving while reducing barriers of implementation. It is a MTSS data warehouse and documentation system for the implementation of professional development for educators and teachers and problem solving for students.
Free Tactical Tools
PLC Wallpaper
Looking for all the i-LEADR anchor charts, quotes, habits, and ways? We created a decor pack that reminds teachers of all the great characteristics of a strong functioning PLC.
Try Our Trademarked
Improvement System
Data & Analysis
Roadmap planning
Execute & Monitor
Professional Development Programs Trusted by Educators, Teachers & Schools
Around the Country

From Our Founders
Make Your Own Opportunities
Are you a lead learner in your role? Are you overworked, exhausted, and getting results that match the maximum effort you’re putting in? We will never question the work ethic of an educator. Next to a farmer, teachers are up before the sun, preparing for an environment in that will profoundly impact their students. Teachers and leaders end their days reflecting, modifying, perfecting practice long after the sun sets. Our service is an art. One year is never the same as the last and we save lives at an exponential rate. It is single handedly the most influential career impacting our future. With a role so huge how do you make sure it is enough?
Get In Touch
211 South Center Street, Suite 309, Statesville NC 28677
(704) 275 – 5350