Educational Workshops – Educators, Teachers, School Administrators – The difference between MTSS and RtI frameworks for students.

Today, many educators and administrators who attend our MTSS/RTI workshops fail to completely understand the differences between these two critical educational frameworks. While each strives to achieve similar goals, it’s essential that you understand both the subtle and major differences between these two frameworks before attending one of our MTSS/RtI workshops.

MTSS/RtI Workshops: Understand the Difference

What is MTSS?

A Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS) is meant to provide a more comprehensive approach for supporting the whole child.  MTSS is the framework for providing the exact level of academic, behavioral, or social/emotional support a student needs based on multiple indicators. There are three tiers that make up MTSS, and most students begin to show significant improvement in the first tier. This tier is designed to deliver differentiated, high-quality instruction to bridge the gap between struggling students and those who are on track. Those who need more strategic or intensive help receive it in both the second and third tiers.

What is RtI?

Response to Instruction or Intervention (RtI) is a framework in which we use data to determine how students are responding to the multiple layers of supports we have implemented for their academic, behavioral, and/or social/emotional needs.

Our MTSS/RTI workshops are for teachers, schools, districts, and even states to design and develop effective processes for prevention and early intervention by implementing the MTSS and RtI frameworks. We want to help you see growth for your students and maximize teacher effectiveness, so please contact us today if you have questions.

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