Matter is the Minimum

“Black lives are worthy. Black lives are loved. Black lives are needed.”
At i-LEADR, we are committed to standing beside other like-minded and like-hearted leaders who are learning and continuing to improve upon providing equitable educational, social, and professional opportunities for students of all races. We humbly acknowledge the truths from diverse subgroups and as a company that serves educators we will continuously improve and grow our compassion and knowledge around ways to improve equitability.
Our commitments to those we serve and the community we impact:
We will grow in our own knowledge and understanding. We must first educate ourselves.
We will make intentional efforts to ensure our professional development and other services offered are diverse and genuinely crafted to better educate the staff we serve on stronger ways to provide equitable and educational schools, homes, and communities for ALL students.
We will continue to hold the non-negotiable value for ALL educators to hold high expectations for all their students regardless of students’ background, socio-economic status, race, or gender.
We will grow our team, our company, and our services with minds, hearts, and hands that share our company’s same values and morals regardless of their outward category identification.
We will reach. We will educate. We will equip. We will matter.
It is our prayer that every student regardless of category, who enters any school building feels loved, valued, and knowledgeable. We will continue to strive daily to support the endless potential in ALL students.
We are all in this together. We are the empower agents. We are educators.