The Seven D’s of Leadership

The Seven D’s of Leadership

Written by Principal Angel Oliphant

Leadership Tips for Teachers, Educators, Principals and School Classrooms.

As a child I developed a love of reading and was like a sponge when it came to learning new things. By the time I got to high school, it was clear to me that both race and socio-economic status have a major impact on student learning and achievement. I saw this as a huge problem and made a vow to be a part of the solution. Now as a principal in a Title 1 school, my top priority is meeting students’ academic and social-emotional needs.    

These are seven leadership tips that I’ve used over the years that have contributed to my effectiveness as a principal:

1. Determine the needs of your students and put them first. Before any decision is made I always ask myself if it is good for students. I analyze multiple data sources and make sure students’ basic needs are met before trying to close their academic gaps. This can be accomplished through formal and informal assessments and observations. Counselors and Social Workers also play a key role in this.

  1. Develop strong relationships. People don’t care what you know until they know that you care. Show compassion for students and teachers and what they are going through. Be a good listener as they share their concerns with you. Just as I encourage teachers to develop strong relationships with their students, it is important for me to develop relationships with my teachers. Teacher support, nurturing and coaching are extremely critical for students’ success.

3.Depend on parents and other stakeholders within the school community for support. Parents love their children and want them to be successful. Partner with them by keeping them informed of students’ progress and engaging them in what is happening in the classroom and throughout the school. Remember the saying, “It takes a village.” All stakeholders are important. I’m a firm believer that the collective knowledge and experience of the whole far outweighs my knowledge and experience as a single individual. 

  1. Deposit into students’ and teachers’ emotional bank accounts. Even the smallest accomplishments should be recognized. This helps to motivate and encourage students and teachers to persevere. Let them know how proud you are of their efforts. They want to feel valued and appreciated.
  1. Delegate to others. You can’t do everything on your own.  Empower and promote the growth of teacher leaders by assigning them responsibilities and various leadership roles in the school. I trust teachers to accomplish these tasks independently because I’ve armed them with tools for success. This also includes soliciting input from teachers on important decisions.

7. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Choose your battles wisely. It’s ok to give in sometimes as long as it doesn’t hurt the students. Some things are just not that important. Spend your time on things that matter the most.

MTSS/RtI Workshops: Understand the Difference

MTSS/RtI Workshops: Understand the Difference

Educational Workshops – Educators, Teachers, School Administrators – The difference between MTSS and RtI frameworks for students.

Today, many educators and administrators who attend our MTSS/RTI workshops fail to completely understand the differences between these two critical educational frameworks. While each strives to achieve similar goals, it’s essential that you understand both the subtle and major differences between these two frameworks before attending one of our MTSS/RtI workshops.

MTSS/RtI Workshops: Understand the Difference

What is MTSS?

A Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS) is meant to provide a more comprehensive approach for supporting the whole child.  MTSS is the framework for providing the exact level of academic, behavioral, or social/emotional support a student needs based on multiple indicators. There are three tiers that make up MTSS, and most students begin to show significant improvement in the first tier. This tier is designed to deliver differentiated, high-quality instruction to bridge the gap between struggling students and those who are on track. Those who need more strategic or intensive help receive it in both the second and third tiers.

What is RtI?

Response to Instruction or Intervention (RtI) is a framework in which we use data to determine how students are responding to the multiple layers of supports we have implemented for their academic, behavioral, and/or social/emotional needs.

Our MTSS/RTI workshops are for teachers, schools, districts, and even states to design and develop effective processes for prevention and early intervention by implementing the MTSS and RtI frameworks. We want to help you see growth for your students and maximize teacher effectiveness, so please contact us today if you have questions.

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